Holistic Coaching Services


Our Approach

A coaching session can provide a structure in which the coach carefully and deliberately holds your goals and confusions with you. A coach can help you unwind the knots in your mind concerning what you want to do and what might be getting in the way of doing it. And help you develop a set of realistic goals to move your life forward.


Accountability comes into it as well. Its not that you’re accountable to the coach - that’s not the power dynamic here. The coach supports you in being accountable to yourself: to your own hopes and dreams.

Coaching can also offer a set of techniques for breaking apart obstacles. Sometimes that’s easy work - just sweeping aside some momentary confusion. Sometimes it involves identifying a limiting belief that’s so old it feels like an unquestionable part of reality…until it isn’t. We can live our lives limited by an idea that doesn’t really have much basis in truth. Pretty great then to notice when a limiting belief is a lie we’ve been telling ourselves…and deliberately set it aside to experience something new.

The Spiritual Dimension

Here we add in another emphasis in the question: “will this goal really fulfil you?” Often enough starting in on a new project really can be quite satisfying, especially if it matches some area of self-expression that is deeply you. But sometimes we place our ladder on the wrong wall.

Sometimes the goals we’re pursuing are a little off track - based on proving something to others or trying to take the sting out of some rejection or another by becoming more impressive. The possibilities are endless. The point is…it can be worthwhile before spending hundreds or thousands of hours in pursuit of a goal, to spend time with a coach in a deep exploration of whether it will truly bring the fulfilment we’re hoping for. If nothing else, this can root your effort in a greater sense of truth: “this is the work that’s right for me”.

When you feel ready to deep dive into the exploring who you are...